By Gordon McCraw Wednesday, April 13, 2022, 09:00am Weather This morning we have a low pressure area moving into the coast around the Tillamook area. This is causing an increase in showers, especially…
Category: Health Care
TILLAMOOK COUNTY COMMUNITY HEALTH CENTERS COVID-19 RESPONSE: 62nd, 63rd, and 64th COVID-19 Related Deaths Reported in Tillamook County
TILLAMOOK, Ore. — Tillamook County Public Health Department was notified of three additional COVID-19 related deaths, two that occurred in March 2022 and one in February 2022, raising the Tillamook County COVID-19 pandemic…
Our Words – Building Each Other Up – Body, Mind & Spirit
EDITOR’S NOTE: Every once in awhile a post on social media will stop me cold, and this Sunday morning these words that Natasha Silkwood shared from Proverbs and her own philosophy gave…
POSITIVE VIBES: Mental Health is Physical Health
By Jan Boal, RN, CCN There are many diseases, conditions, that affect our physical health. So it the case with mental health. Often mental illness is seen as something to be feared…
TILLAMOOK COUNTY DAILY WEATHER BRIEFING: Gordon’s Update – COVID-19 Breakthrough Cases Report 4/8/22
By Gordon McCraw Friday, April 8, 2022, 7:30am Weather The front this morning had minimal moisture associated with it, so it only gave us some light rain and drizzle as it went through. The…
IN GOOD HEALTH: Am I old yet?
EDITOR’S NOTE: I’ve had multiple conversations this week about age, and the “adjustments” folks are making in their lives because they are “aging”. so when Linda Tate’s blog popped up this week….
Oregon Health Authority: Coronavirus Update – April 7, 2022; Resources & Data Links
EDITOR’S NOTE: It’s been awhile since we’ve shared information from the OHA about Coronavirus data and updates. Here are links to information, and a survey; resources to find testing and vaccines. Gentle…
TILLAMOOK COUNTY COMMUNITY HEALTH CENTERS: 61st COVID-19 Related Death Reported in Tillamook County
TILLAMOOK, Ore. — Tillamook County Public Health Department was notified of one new COVID-19 related death that occurred in March 2022, raising the Tillamook County COVID-19 pandemic death toll to 61. Tillamook County’s…
By Gordon McCraw Thursday, April 7, 2022, 10:00am Weather The high pressure ridge that has given us the mild, sunny weather the last couple of days is pushing east ahead of an…
TILLAMOOK COUNTY WELLNESS: Which Way to Wellness? Fun Activities to Get Moving, Chance to Win Prizes; Walking Groups Launch
by Michelle Jenck, Director of Community Well-Being at Adventist Tillamook Health is most often measured in numbers – our blood pressure, blood sugar (or A1c), cholesterol, weight, waist circumference, and so on….