Attention all parents and caregivers of children with disabilities! On February 22, you’re invited to FACT Oregon’s Regional Learning Summit in Newport, sponsored by Oregon Able Savings Plan, The Autzen Foundation, The…
Category: Non Profit News
Ready for Spring? Get Buzzing with FREE Mason Bee Event Feb. 29th
Are you interested in raising MASON BEES to pollinate those early native plants? Entomologist Rich Little will be lecturing on that very topic Saturday February 29th, 2020 at the OSU Extension Office…
DeFeyter’s work on display at Art Accelerated Gallery in February; Art Walk February 22nd
Thea DeFeyter, local artist, is Art Accelerated’s featured artist this month at the Art Accelerated Gallery located at 1906 Third Street in Downtown Tillamook. Residents and visitors alike are cordially invited to…
Celebrate the Bounty of the Bays on Feb. 29: Join Tillamook Estuaries Partnership for Annual Year in Review, Dinner and Silent Auction
Tillamook Estuaries Partnership (TEP) is hosting their annual fundraiser, Celebrate the Bounty of our Bays, on Feb. 29 at Pacific Restaurant. TEP will be sharing their 2019 Year in Review as well…
Community for Change Event: Celebrates Opening of Tillamook County Pioneer Museum Women’s Suffrage Exhibit, Benefits Tides of Change Feb. 23
The Tides of Change (ToC – formerly Tillamook County Women’s Resource Center) in partnership with the Tillamook County Pioneer Museum (TCPM) will host the Community for Change fundraiser. The opening of the…
Chamber Orchestra presents “Operatic Overtures” March 6th in Nehalem & March 8th in Astoria
The North Coast Chamber Orchestra proudly announces its Winter Concert Series, a spirited program featuring overtures from various operas throughout classical history, with a display of emotional range that is sure to…
Art for the Heart – Reception, Music at North County Recreation District Sunday Feb. 16th
Adventist Health presents the annual “Art for the Heart” exhibition at North County Recreation District in Nehalem. A community celebration and article reception will be held Sunday February 16th from 1 to…
Choose to Include: Unified Champion Schools — NKN Students First Opportunity to Compete at THS Basketball Tournament, Hope for More Sports through Unified Sports Program
By Julie Chick for the Tillamook County Pioneer Imagine … a lineup of student athletes, some with intellectual disabilities and others without, all using their unique strengths to build team successes ……
Scholarships available for High School 4-H Members
Tillamook County 4-H members that plan to continue their education may be interested in several scholarships that are available from the Tillamook County and the Oregon 4-H programs. The Tillamook County 4-H…
Grant makers offering more than $5 million in funding for FY2021 will participate in the Oregon Cultural Trust’s 2020 “Conversations with Funders and Partners” from Feb. 19 through March 12 throughout Oregon….