ATTENTION: Veterans, Friends, Family of Veterans Do you know someone in our community that is a veteran? Many times veterans are those that are homeless or housing challenged. Please encourage veterans to…
Category: Non Profit News
IN GOOD HEALTH: Domestic Violence Awareness Month – “Because I’m a survivor …”
EDITOR’S NOTE: For local assistance, for domestic violence, Tides of Change -Crisis Prevention Center at503-842-9486 or 800-992-1679 –, – 1902 2nd St., Tillamook – Our mission is to provide hope,…
No More Domestic Violence: What’s your part? Join Tides of Change Honoring Survivors of DV on Oct. 23rd
During this Domestic Violence Awareness Month National Week of Action, Tides of Change (Tillamook County’s Crisis Intervention/Prevention Resource) have several ways to show up for survivors this week. On Wednesday, October 23rd…
FRIDAY NIGHT FLICKS: International Films Return to Hoffman Center Oct. 25
The Wandering Reel Traveling Film Festival returns to Manzanita Friday, Oct. 25 at 7:30 p.m., with a collection of seven short international and U.S. films at the Hoffman Center for the Arts….
Tillamook Warming Shelter Needs Volunteers to Open for Season – Trainings Oct. 30th & Nov. 6th
On the coldest and most miserable nights in Tillamook, would you like to help those experiencing homelessness? CARE is once again partnering with volunteers in the community to create a warming center…
Diabetes Prevention Program Offers Support, Easy Solutions – Free Informational Orientation Oct. 29th, Noon at Tillamook YMCA
Are you at risk for type 2 diabetes or know someone who is? 1 in 3 people are at risk – and it’s preventable. If you have already received a prediabetes diagnosis…
Columbia Pacific CCO offers a sneak peek at the future at presentations/listening sessions Oct. 22-24
Astoria, Ore.— Join Columbia Pacific CCO as we look at the great things in store for the next five years of partnership in Clatsop, Columbia and Tillamook counties. We will be sharing…
Opioid Summit Energizes Community Response
By Neal Lemery for the Tillamook County Pioneer “Tillamook County is Number One!” Who doesn’t like to hear that statement about one’s community? There’s that sense of pride, and a feeling of…
Second annual Spooky Seed Sowing on tap in Tillamook Oct. 31st
Halloween day—Thursday, Oct. 31—North Coast Land Conservancy staff members are heading to Tillamook to plant seeds of native plants, re-pot seedlings, or do whatever else needs to be done at Northwest Oregon…
Pop-Up Go Bag Store and Go Bag Clinic Saturday Oct. 19th in Manzanita
Any questions about Go Bags, please email