The waters off the Oregon Coast are home to at least 17 species of sharks. But not all sharks are created equally; these creatures come in all sizes, shapes, colors and notoriety….
Category: Non Profit News
Fulcrum Community Resources Concludes Business Relief Campaign
After a year of accepting and distributing donations to small businesses and individuals in Manzanita, Nehalem and Wheeler, Fulcrum Community Resources is wrapping up its business relief campaign. Launched in April 2020, at the…
Nehalem Bay Garden Club Plant Sale (and More!) Sat. May 8th & Sun. May 9th
72 years and still growing strong … SOCIAL-DISTANCING/GARDEN-BONDING PLANT SALE!!! Starting on our usual day, the day before Mother’s Day, SATURDAY MAY 8th, from 10 am to 4 pm and SUNDAY, MAY…
Tillamook Education Foundation Legacy Dinner May 1 – Special Takeout Meals Available to Benefit Foundation
On behalf of the Tillamook Education Foundation we want to invite you to this year’s Legacy Dinner. This is the sole annual fundraiser for the foundation. We were unable to hold this…
Tillamook County Families Feeling Financial Impact of COVID-19
By Peter Starkey, Executive Director, CARE Inc. The sun is finally shining outside my office, the temperature is rising, and I can see the flowers starting to bloom. Spring appears to have…
Seasonal Jobs with Tidepool Ambassador Program Available
Jobs provide excellent career-oriented experience for anyone interested in natural resource interpretation or education. Manzanita, OR: The Friends of Cape Falcon Marine Reserve has two seasonal, part-time job opportunities for the new Tidepool Ambassador Program. The…
Tufted Puffins Have Returned to Haystack Rock in Cannon Beach
Haystack Rock is home to the largest Tufted Puffin breeding colony in Oregon. In early April approximately 100 individual puffins show up at Haystack Rock. Most of the puffins have already found…
‘Hybrid in a Haystack’ Explores Newly-Discovered Beachgrass, Join Netars Bay WEBS virtually on Earth Day April 22nd
Beach grass. It’s not exactly the main reason we visit the beach, yet we all know it’s there billowing in the wind. But did you know there are two dominant beachgasses of…
Tillamook County Master Gardener Association: TCMGA Plant Sale — It’s a GO!!
The Tillamook County Master Gardener Association 2021 Plant Sale will be online this year. We are putting the finishing touches on our ‘store’, adding products, setting up all the pieces and parts…
Are You Ready for Charity Drive 2021? Here it comes, Tillamook! Events begin Friday April 16th through April 26th
Looking back at 2020 – Charity Drive was one of the last big events for our community … and it will certainly look different this year, but there are exciting, new fun…