Multiple organizations are working to meet the current and upcoming childcare need for Tillamook School District Students. The YMCA, Mid County Parks and Recreation District, Tillamook School District #9, the Church of…
Category: Non Profit News
TILLAMOOK WORKS: Internship Opportunity for Local Students Helps Create ‘Build-your-own’ Workforce
A brand-new internship opportunity for high school and college students is helping local businesses meet short- and long-term workforce needs and giving students hands-on work experience. Tillamook Works is a career readiness…
Fulcrum Small Business Relief Fund Art Raffle
Fulcrum Community Resources announces a new fundraiser to benefit their small business community of Manzanita, Nehalem, Wheeler and the Nehalem Valley area. Local visionary artist, Shaukya Dekker, has graciously donated her recent…
It’s Pesticide Season in Tillamook County
By Nancy Webster, North Coast Communities for Watershed Protection When will our “Dark Waters” be filmed? For those who have seen that 2019 movie, which covered DuPont Chemical Company knowingly dumping industrial…
Fall Term Registration is Open at Tillamook Bay Community College, Scholarships Available
Registration is now open for fall term classes at Tillamook Bay Community College. Fall term begins Sept. 21. If this is your first time enrolling at TBCC as a degree-seeking student, you…
TBCC Offers Free College Courses to Local High School Students this Fall
Last Spring, Tillamook Bay Community College (TBCC) rolled out a new plan to help juniors and seniors currently enrolled at a Tillamook County high school the opportunity to take courses at TBCC…
Nehalem Bay Fire & Rescue Receives Donations – Family of Michelle Casey Turn Tragedy into Fundraising Tribute
On May 19, 2019, 21-year-old Michelle Casey fell while taking photos at the Neahkhanie Mountain overlook. Despite the best efforts of the rope rescue teams from Nehalem Bay Fire & Rescue and…
Coast Guard rescues surfer and assists 3 others from Cape Falcon, Oswald West State Park
SEATTLE — A Coast Guard aircrew hoisted a surfer in distress and assisted three others Saturday afternoon from rocks at Cape Falcon, Short Sands Beach near Manzanita, Oregon. At 5:15 p.m., watchstanders…
Cascade Falls Quilts of Tillamook has donated a queen-sized quilt to the Garibaldi Maritime Museum to raffle as a benefit. The navy-and-white quilt, constructed by Gloria Guyer, is titled “Ship’s Wheel and…
Take a virtual walk on the Oregon Coast Trail Sept. 10
The Oregon Coast Trail is a border-to-border hiking route first proposed about 50 years ago and first declared “hikeable” in the 1980s. But it remains a work in progress. And people have…