Tillamook, OR – Tillamook Bay Community College (TBCC) ranks sixth in the state on the list of 2020 Best Online Community Colleges in Oregon according to the Guide to Online Schools*. The…
Category: Non Profit News
North Coast Land conservancy awarded $2.1 million to help create Rainforest Reserve
An area of the northern Oregon Coast characterized by scientists as the “Galapagos Islands of Oregon” moved a big step closer to permanent conservation Thursday with announcement of a $2,128,079 grant awarded…
A Heart-to-Heart Virtual Conversation with Keith Jones – Disabled-Rights Activist, June 14th
We are proud to be a sponsor of this event along with the Oregon Council on Developmental Disabilities, Sammy’s Place and FACT to bring a virtual, free Zoom conversation with Keith Jones…
Neah-Kah-Nie High School’s Speech and Debate Team Needs Your Support
EDITOR’S NOTE: This is for the Speech & Debate Team of Neah-Nie-Nie Middle and High School, School District 56. Hannah Reynolds, the Speech & Debate Team Coach, has done an excellent job…
Manzanita Farmers Market Opts for Pre-Order, Drive Through for 2020 Season
The Manzanita Farmers Market did a test run on May 9th for the pre-order, drive through farmers market. The market “opens” for the season this week with as pre-order/pickup on Friday, June…
“More than a Gym” Tillamook YMCA Gradually Reopens
By Kaylan Sisco, CEO/Executive Director Tillamook County Family YMCA Wellness means so much more than physical fitness. In fact, “More than a gym” has been the Y’s tag line since 2010. A…
OSU Extension in Tillamook County and Tillamook County Family YMCA to hold Essentials Drive June 1st – June 19th
The Oregon State University Extension Service in Tillamook County and the Tillamook County Family YMCA are excited to announce a county-wide effort to collect and distribute household essentials to food pantries and…
A Revolution of Love: Outreach and Education for Our Community to Bring Hope, Understanding About Race Issues
By LaNicia Duke, The Love Coalition I hope each of you are safe and healthy. Even as we are in the midst of two pandemics right now, I am encouraged by the…
Weyerhaeuser sprayed pesticides above Nehalem June 3rd; More spraying planned, and why we should be concerned
By Nancy Webster, North Coast Communities for Watershed Protection On Wednesday, June 3, Weyerhaeuser ground-sprayed pesticides on about 100 acres of their clearcut land within 1/4 mile of residential areas of Nehalem….
Beyond the Beach: Trailhead and Beach Ambassador Program Seeks Volunteers
By Dan Haag for Friends of Cape Falcon Marine Reserve Launched as a pilot program in late summer of 2019, the Trailhead and Beach Ambassador program was developed to connect with visitors…