Tillamook, Ore. – Vehicle access to a portion of the Bay City block on the Tillamook State Forest will be restricted due to increasing vandalism, illegal dumping and theft. The Powerline East,…
Category: Public Safety
News Release from Oregon State Police On Thursday September 5, 2019 at about 02:17 am, Oregon State Police (OSP) Troopers and emergency personnel responded to the report of a single fatality two-vehicle…
Health advisory issued September 4 for Short Sand Beach at Oswald West State Park
The Oregon Health Authority (OHA) issued a public health advisory today for higher-than-normal levels of bacteria in ocean waters at Short Sand Beach at Oswald West State Park in Tillamook County. People…
Coast Guard urges safe boating during holiday weekend
SEATTLE — The Coast Guard urges boaters in the Pacific Northwest to use extra caution while on the water this Labor Day weekend. Labor Day weekend marks the unofficial end of the…
Reminders to Practice Fire Safety this Labor Day Weekend
Portland, Ore. – With hot, dry conditions in the forecast and an increase in visitors traveling for Labor Day, fire officials are asking for the public’s help in preventing human-caused wildfires. “While…
FIRE DANGER LEVELS TO INCREASE: Northwest Oregon Protection Association – IFPL and Public Use restriction change
From NW District Foresters: We have a “significant weather pattern shift” beginning today, August 26th. For most of this fire season, we have enjoyed seasonable temperatures and relative humidity levels. The first…
Fire Weather Watch from Monday August 26th afternoon until 12:00AM Wednesday August 28th
The National Weather Service in Portland has issued a Fire Weather Watch for wind and low relative humidity, which is in effect from Monday afternoon through Tuesday evening. * Affected Area…In Oregon…Fire…
Coast Guard Cutter Aspen maintains navigation aids in the Pacific Northwest
Coast Guard members established missing aids to navigation and realigned the entrance to Tillamook Bay this week during an ongoing mission along the Pacific Northwest coast. Coast Guard Cutter Aspen, a 225-foot…
Facebook Helps Locate a Stolen Vehicle from Coburg, OR in Tillamook County yesterday, August 22nd
On Thursday, August 22, 2019, at approximately 3:40 pm, Tillamook 911 received a report from a caller who reported they were following a White Freightliner Gothard Truck headed north on Highway 101…
D River Beach and Seal Rock State Park Beach health advisories lifted August 23
The Oregon Health Authority today, August 23rd, lifted a public health advisory for contact with marine water at D River Beach and Seal Rock State Park Beach, located in Lincoln County. The…