For Help Now Call Tillamook County Family Counseling Center’s Local 24-hour helpline at 800-962-2851 or 503-842-8201 The COVID-19 pandemic has had far-reaching impacts on all aspects of our lives, and it is…
Category: Mental Health
COVID-19 Response Tillamook County: Essential or Non-Essential? Resources, Support Groups; Mental Health Impact
TILLAMOOK, Ore. — The most recent executive order issued by Governor Kate Brown directs Oregonians to stay at home to the maximum extent possible to help reduce the potential spread of COVID-19….
SOS Tillamook 2020 Community Calendar: Mindfulness & Self-Care Drawings Provide Ideas, Inspiration; Art Showing for Community Jan. 21st
The 2020 SOS Tillamook calendar hit Tillamook County mailboxes last week, and it’s available here on the Tillamook County Pioneer. Additional copies will be available at Tillamook County library branches. Tillamook County…
Help, Hope & Hotlines: What Happens When You Call?
EDITOR’S NOTE: There are many resources available that provide help and hope; SOS Tillamook and local partners provide information and trainings to make Tillamook County a “Suicide Safer” community. See below more…