WHEREAS, our daily lives are filled with information regarding unfortunate or bitter events, often causing feelings of sadness, and uneasiness; and
WHEREAS, it is important that everyone treat others as they wish to be treated; and
WHEREAS, by fostering acts of kindness within our community we help develop a base of compassion and perspective within ourselves and those around us; and
WHEREAS, by recognizing these acts of kindness, all members of our community will be made aware of the importance of being kind to others through the year; and
WHEREAS, the many daily acts of kindness that occur in our community are largely inconspicuous and unobtrusive; and
WHEREAS, intentionally performing an act of kindness has the potential of lifting spirits and encourages others to practice kindness; and
WHEREAS, the City of Manzanita City Council and staff join together to help spread kindness and encourage acts of kindness locally and urge allmresidents, homeowners, visitors and businesses to create their own acts of kindness,
Now, Therefore, I Michael Scott, Mayor of the City of Manzanita, Oregon, do hereby proclaim the year 2020 as Kindness Year 2020.
The City of Manzanita calls upon all residents, homeowners, visitors, and businesses to work together to celebrate kindness and ensure that our community is a safer place for all, a place where everyone feels respected,safe, and valued.
The City of Manzanita urges all to perform acts of kindness this year and take a moment to be a thoughtful, compassionate friend, neighbor, and fellow resident.
The City of Manzanita urges all to consider wearing a mask when in contact with others, honoring social distancing and washing your hands frequently during the duration of the Covid-19 pandemic, as an act of kindness.
The City of Manzanita encourages community members to participate in spreading kindness and practicing respect, generosity, patience, and considerations of others at all times.
DONE AND DATED in Manzanita, Oregon this 11th day of May 2020.