January 10, 2023 – The City of Nehalem is accepting applications for City Council Position #2 to fill an unexpired term.
Candidates must be a qualified voter and have resided in the City limits for at least one year immediately preceding the appointment.
Applications must be received by the Office of the City Manager no later than noon on Thursday, February 9, 2022. The application may be picked up at City Hall or found online at: https://www.nehalem.gov/vacancy
The vacant office will be filled by appointment by the Mayor and approval by a majority of the incumbent Council members.
Appointment will be made at a regular Council meeting. The oath of office will be administered immediately thereafter.
The appointee’s term shall begin immediately upon appointment and runs until a successor is elected and takes office for a two-year term at the
beginning of the year following the next biennial election in November 2024.
The appointee will be required to file an annual Statement of Economic Interest (SEI) with the State of Oregon.
For more information, contact the City Manager at 503-368-5627 or mthompson@nehalem.gov