By Mayor Charles McNeilly
Welcome to my City of Rockaway Beach Monthly Update with a look back at the month of January 2025.
The 2025-2029 Strategic Plan has been revised with the actions in each goal area reorganized to reflect the City Council’s prioritization in January 2025. The City of Rockaway Beach 2025-2029 Strategic Plan is now available on our website.
I am excited that our new electronic reader board is installed in front of City Hall. This is an amazing new communication tool for events, municipal meetings, and local emergencies. City leadership and staff are busy learning the capabilities and how best the electronic message center can be used to benefit our community. I want to thank Superintendent Dan Emerson (Public Works) and Nan Devlin (Tillamook Coast Visitors Association) for making this happen. If you have not, please drive by and let me know what you think (
(Image distorted by camera, looks great in real life.)
Rockaway Beach’s David’s Track Chair is now available for use by residents and visitors. David’s Chair’s mission is to “enrich the lives of mobility impaired people with independence and freedom by empowering them to engage in outdoor activities they previously were unable to, free of charge”. You can read more about this organization on their website. The track chair can be reserved here.
Initially, local reservations can be made for one daily shift of 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays. As summer nears and demand increases, we will likely expand Chair availability. The first available date is Friday, February 14th. Training in checking out and checking in David’s Track Chair took place on Thursday, January 23rd. All of us in attendance had a chance to experience the chair firsthand. If you are interested in volunteering for this service, you can contact the Rockaway Beach Volunteers at 530-604-4131 or Both our Rockaway Beach Volunteers and St. Mary by the Sea Catholic Church deserve a special mention for their continued investment in this success story here in Rockaway.
The Oregon Watershed Enhancement Board (OWEB) is conducting a site visit at Jetty Creek. OWEB is considering funding a restoration project on Jetty Creek. The Tillamook Estuaries Partnership is leading this project to install large wood placements (essentially log jams) that will provide salmon habitat and help retain water on the landscape. If funded, this project would take place during the summer of 2025.
City Hall
The Large and Small Community Grant program for 2025 opens on February 3rd. These grants provide financial support to non-profit and not-for-profit organizations as well as community entities that serve the Rockaway Beach community. The City budgeted to award up to $75,000 this fiscal year. If you know of any organizations serving the Rockaway Beach community that may be interested, please let them know. More information can be found on the Grant Program page on our website.
Finance Director Marni Johnston has completed the FYE 2024 2nd Quarter financial Report. The report is posted on our city website on the Finance Department page.
City Manager Shepard was selected to join the Oregon Coast City/County Manager Association’s Scholarship committee. This should take little time away from his duties and serve to grow Rockaway Beach’s network statewide. Congratulations City Manager Shepard.
Fire Department and Emergency Preparation
The Fire Department began this year’s EMT training program this week in affiliation with Tillamook Bay Community College (TBCC). Once again, turnout is high with 23 students enrolled. In June the successful graduates will join the ranks of numerous others that now serve our community thanks to the training provided by the Rockaway Beach FD and TBCC. Thank you so much Chief Hesse and Captain Grace!
Our new ladder truck is still in production but coming along nicely. I think it looks pretty good!
Planning Department
Oregon Shores Conservation Coalition filed an appeal to the Land Use Board of Appeals (LUBA) of the City Council’s decisions to deny their appeal of the Planning Commission’s approval of Nedonna Wave Phase 2. City Planner Johnson submitted the official and complete record pertaining to Appeal #24-1 to all parties, including the Land Use Board of Appeals, the applicant and the appellant. The complete record totaled 1,827 pages. This appeal is now in LUBA’s hands. I encourage you to read the City Council’s Final Order with Findings & Conclusions Appeal #24-1 and the Staff Report presented at the City Council Public Hearing; and not to rely on social media for facts about the appeal.
We learned about an exciting affordable housing project currently in the scoping phase for Rockaway Beach. The Tillamook Housing Commission heard a presentation by a developer about a proposed 56-unit duplex and triplex project. The developer is seeking a multi-family housing grant through Tillamook County, and if awarded, will begin work with city staff on permitting. From what we know so far, there are no wetland or floodplain developments proposed here.
You have likely seen growing activity along the railroad right of way lately. These vehicles and personnel (usually dressed in high visibility gear) are surveying, conducting environmental assessments, and much more related to planning and design work of the Salmonberry Trail. Keep up to date on the Salmonberry Trail Project by going to our Salmonberry Project page.
I am very happy to announce that we submitted our $6 million funding application to Oregon Department of Transportation’s (ODOT) Community Paths grant program. If successful, this grant will fund final design and construction of the Salmonberry trail between S. 3rd Avenue and Beach St. (Nedonna Beach). I’d like to thank Alta Planning and Design, and City Planner Mary Johnson for all their work to make this happen.
Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) will host an open house February 19th at 5:30 pm in City Hall to receive public input on two alternative Salmonberry Trail alignments between Washington St. and S. 3rd Ave. Our project partners seek feedback from the community on alternative alignments.
Oregon Senate Bill 406 requires Rockaway Beach to update its zoning code to promote middle housing (duplexes, triplexes, quadplexes, townhouses, cottage clusters, etc.) that are more affordable than single-family homes. An open house is planned for February 26th. Cascadia Partners will cover Middle Housing, recommended zoning code amendments, and steps needed to comply with Senate Bill 406.
With City Planner Mary Johnson’s planned transition to Public Works Director (see announcement in Public Works section below), we are recruiting for a City Planner. This position is a key member of the city’s leadership team and oversees daily land use planning and conducts long range planning studies of complex land use issues such as comprehensive plan reviews and economic development studies. Please pass this along to anyone you think may be interested. More information can be found on our Employment page.
Planning Commission
Lydia Hess and Jason Maxfield joined the Planning Commission in January (see City Council meeting below); replacing Zandra Umholtz and Georganne Zedrick.
At the January Planning Commission meeting, the commissioners heard a presentation from Lorraine Woodward with Becoming RentABLE on Accessible short-term rentals and, Dan Hagg with Tillamook Coast Visitors Association on Accessible Accommodations in Tillamook County. These info sessions will lead into Commission discussions on allowing STR cap exceptions for ADA accessible STRs in Rockaway Beach.
At that same meeting, the Planning commission deliberated on variance request 24-3: Consideration of an Application for Variance at 282 South Anchor Street to Decrease the Number of Required Parking Spaces to Construct a New Mixed-Use Building. The planning commission approved the variance request. This affordable housing development project is supported by a grant from the Tillamook County Housing Commission.
Public Works
I’m happy to announce City Planner Mary Johnson has been tapped to fill the Public Works Director position. She has been instrumental over the last year and half in securing some of our largest funding awards, such as the $2.8 million financing package for the Nedonna Beach water line replacement project, and $435,000 for the Lake Lytle Park project. Behind the scenes she has been supporting the city’s efforts on other initiatives such as the Jetty Creek Watershed acquisition project ($17.5 million funding package requested from the EPA) and the Salmonberry Trail ($6 million requested from ODOT). With the recently adopted five-year strategic plan, it’s clear that the city will ask a lot more of our Public Works department in the years to come. Public Works Superintendent Emerson and City Manager Shepard welcome her added capacity as we prepare to implement the infrastructure and facility-heavy strategic plan. Johnson’s administrative and grant management skills, as well as her in-depth familiarity with upcoming projects, will certainly be appreciated as we move forward. With Superintendent Emerson continuing in his role overseeing Public Works Operations, and Johnson handling administrative functions, the Rockaway Beach Public Works Department will have a leadership team ready for what lies ahead.
Public Works has added some information about water conservation to their webpage. These two informational brochures include tips for saving water both inside and outside the home.
Public Works painted a safety stripe on the curb of the elevated center ring at the Wayside parking lot. This paint is expected to enhance pedestrian safety.
GSI Water Solutions completed their draft of our Sourcewater Protection Plan. Our Sourcewater Project Plan Development Advisory Committee (SPPDAC) reviewed and provided input on the draft. Their comments will be incorporated into the draft presented at a public meeting to be held on March 18th at 6:00 pm. After public comments are received, the SPPDAC will take a final look at the draft before making a recommendation on approval by the City Council. If approved by City Councill, it will then head to Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) and Oregon Health Authority (OHA) for their review and approval.
Public Works reported a successful rebuild of one of the two 30 hp sewage pumps that operate the Nedonna Beach pumping station. These pumps have been in continual operation for nearly three decades. Because of regular onsite maintenance by our field crew, the pumps need relatively little work for their rebuilds and will be returning to service for at least another twenty years before another session in the shop.
Work continues at the Wayside. All the benches and tables have been reinstalled, and the north end of the Wayside is now reopened for use. The water features such as water fountains, showers, and foot washing stations have not arrived.
While the crew was working to bore in new water service lines in the Washington Steet area, they were also alerted to a watermain break downtown. Our crew was able to make the watermain repairs and complete the service line installation by the end of the workday. All in a day’s work for Public Works even when they are down one Utility Worker.
Public Works staff also completed their annual safety training this week. Two full-day training sessions were held at the Fire Hall. Topics included Lockout/Tagout procedures, Confined Space Rescue Training, Portable Ladder Safety and Personal Protective Equipment.
We are recruiting a Utility Worker and Treatment Plant Operator for our Public Works Department. Please pass this along to anyone you think may be interested. More information can be found on the City’s Employment page. Rockaway is a great place to begin or continue a career in public service.
City Council
At the January Workshop City Council:
- Prioritized the City of Rockaway Beach 2025-2029 Strategic Plan which is now available on our website.
- Reviewed proposed Ordinance 2025-01 Amending Code Subsection 34.15(A), Clarifying the Use of Transient Lodging Tax Revenue.
- Reviewed Resolution 2025-02 Site Host Agreement for EV Charging Stations.
- Reviewed Planning Commission Applications.
At the January Council Meeting City Council:
- All six members of the City Council took their Oath of Office.
- Passed Resolution 2025-01 Adopting 2023-2024 Fiscal Year Audit Plan of Action.
- Elected Councilor Penny Cheek as Council President for 2025.
- Appointed Councilor Mary McGinnis as Planning Commission Liaison for 2025.
- Appointed Lydia Hess to Planning Commission position 7 and Jason Maxfield to Planning Commission position 1.
- Passed Resolution 2025-02 Approving a Site Host Agreement with EV Charging Solutions for Electric Vehicle Charging Stations at Anchor Street Parking Lot.
- Held an Executive Session pursuant to ORS 192.660 (2)(H) to consult with counsel concerning the legal rights and duties of a public body with regard to litigation.
At a City Council special meeting on January 23rd, the City council voted to appeal the judge’s decision that the highly publicized election case is “moot”. While the city could have walked away with this small win, the judge’s decision leaves the city in the precarious position that the same case could be brought against it again later. The City council chose to pursue a final judgment that would put this issue to rest for good.
If any of the Council activities listed for January are of interest, you can read the meeting materials and view recordings of all Council meetings (except Executive Sessions) on the City Council page.
Rockaway Beach Patrol
Congratulations to Rockaway Beach Patrol Deputy Sean Ahlers who received a Distinguished Action award for his response to a dangerous individual in town. His actions ensured that other on-scene law enforcement personnel and Rockaway residents remained safe during a potentially dangerous interaction with an individual threatening people with a firearm. Deputy Ahlers was recognized for his actions at the Oregon State Sheriff’s Association annual awards banquet in December.
Kudos to the Rockaway Beach Patrol Deputies and Superintendent Emerson for taking action to have the abandoned Recreational Vehicle removed from the Lake Lyle Park parking lot. These situations often take weeks or months to remedy, but the Sheriff’s Office made this a priority and found a solution quickly.
Tillamook Coast Visitors Association (TCVA)
We had 3,546 users visit in January 2025. This is a 24% increase over January 2024.
TCVA is continuing with social media campaigns highlighting Rockaway Beach businesses.
As mentioned above, the electronic sign by City Hall was installed. Repairs to Cedar Trail Interpretive Signs are underway.
The Best of Spring Break in Rockaway Beach was published in Portland Monthly.
The Oregonian Travel Writers listed Rockaway Beach as one of the top eight places they visited in 2024. Oregonian says Rockaway is one of the top places to visit in 2024. Thank you everyone!
Key Dates in February for Community Engagement
February 5, 2025. The February Rockaway Beach Emergency Preparedness meeting is Wednesday, February 5th at 6:00 pm in City Hall. Learn why it’s important to stop bleeding and ways to stop and control bleeding.
February 12, 2025. The February City Council Workshop is Wednesday, February 12th at 4:30 pm upstairs in the 2nd Floor Conference Room followed at 6:00 pm with the City Council Meeting at 6:00 pm downstairs in the Council Room.
February 19, 2025. Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) will host an open house February 19th at 5:30 pm in City Hall to receive public input on two alternative Salmonberry Trail alignments between Washington St. and S. 3rd Ave.
February 20, 2025. The February Coffee with Manager and Mayor is Thursday, February 20th at 9:00 am upstairs in the 2nd Floor Conference Room.
February 20, 2025. The February Planning Commission meeting is Thursday, February 20th at 5:00 pm in the Council Room.
February 26, 2025. Oregon Senate Bill 406 requires Rockaway Beach to update its zoning code to promote middle housing (duplexes, triplexes, quadplexes, townhouses, cottage clusters, etc.) that are more affordable than single-family homes. An open house is planned for February 26th at 6:00 pm in City Hall. Cascadia Partners will cover Middle Housing, recommended zoning code amendments, and steps needed to comply with Senate Bill 406.
Please stay informed and engaged!
The most efficient way to keep up to date with your City government is to add your email address to the City’s email list through the City’s website, at the bottom of the landing page.
If you have ideas to share; questions or concerns about what is going on in the City of Rockaway Beach, please email me at
I am still listening.