On Wednesday, March 15, 2023, at approximately 2:30 p.m., a 3rd party directional boring contractor drilled into a 12” ductile iron water main at the intersection of 11th Street and Pacific Avenue. This resulted in a massive water leak that caused localized flooding and the closure of 11th Street from Pacific Avenue to Laurel Avenue.
Unfortunately, the damage sustained to the City’s water main line resulted in potential contamination entering the water system in that area. Accordingly, the City worked with the State Health Authority and County Health Department to issue a boil water notice to the affected customers in that area. Additionally, the City notified and provided adequate drinking water to all affected customers. Customers unaffected by the potential contamination will not be notified directly. Now that the repair is completed, required water tests were conducted to ensure the water meets the
Oregon State Health Authority standards for safe drinking water. The state test results have confirmed that there is no contamination present, and the boil water notice is declared lifted today March 23, 2023. All affected residents have been notified.