What is CCO 2.0?
Coordinated Care Organizations (CCOs) started in 2012 and were part of Oregon’s promise to improve health, provide better health care, and lower health care spending. We now have more than five years of experience with the CCO model and lots of data about what is working and what needs more work over the next five years. We are calling this next phase “CCO 2.0.” The CCO 2.0 contract will start in 2020, but we are already laying the groundwork.
Take a survey on CCO 2.0! Here is the link: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/CCO2-0
What type of feedback should I provide?
We are looking for general feedback on CCOs as well as input on some focus areas. We also welcome you to share any other thoughts or ideas you have for improving CCOs in the future. The sooner we hear your thoughts, the better!
How long is the survey open?
We will collect survey responses from March 15th to April 15th.
Who else can take this survey?
Anyone is welcome to take the survey! Please share the link widely and with all of your partners.
Are there other ways for me/my organization to get involved or provide feedback?
Yes! During this first phase of policy development (March to June), policy discussions will happen at dozens of public meetings, public forums and Oregon Health Policy Board meetings. If you/your organization would also like to give additional formal feedback prior to June or request a presentation on CCO 2.0, please email us at the address below.
Where can I find more information (timelines, meeting information, background, etc.)?
Please watch our webinar at this link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W8QNAr_DOIA&feature=youtu.be and visit the CCO 2.0 website here http://www.oregon.gov/oha/OHPB/Pages/CCO-2-0.aspx.
Contact Info:
Policy questions: CCO2.0@state.or.us