EDITOR’S NOTE: One the weekly Community Update Tillamook County Community Health Centers Deputy Director Rockie Phillips reported that Tillamook County’s test positivity rate is over 30%, and the county’s has a “high” transmission rate. The 3-day case count (6/24-6/26) – 29 cases; 7-day case count (6/20-6/26) – 79 cases; and for the month of June (6/1-6/26) – 204 cases. TCCHC posted this letter to Tillamook County employers as they are monitoring 15 workplaces for outbreaks with reminders about quarantines and masking. With the county’s high transmission rate, TCCHC encourages everyone to wear a mask indoors or in crowded outdoor locations, and to get vaccinated as COVID-19 continues to be spread throughout our community.
June 28, 2022
Dear Tillamook County Employers:
Tillamook County is again seeing a surge in COVID-19 cases. The below information is intended to help guide your decision making when an employee reports a positive COVID-19 test or exhibits symptoms consistent with COVID-19. The below guidelines are not intended for healthcare workers, who must follow stricter guidance.
What should you do if an employee notifies you they have COVID?
- The affected employee should stay home and isolate for 5-10 days.
- Ask them when they experienced their first symptom that prompted them to get tested
or if they have had no symptoms the date they had their positive test. - Take that date and count forward 5 days. The 6th day is the day they can return to
work if they have no fever, and their other symptoms are improving. - When they return to work, they should continue to wear a mask for an additional 5
days. - If the employee is unable to wear a mask at work they should isolate at home for 10
days, returning to work on day 11 if they are fever free and other symptoms are
- Ask them when they experienced their first symptom that prompted them to get tested
- Talk to your affected employee to determine if any other employee’s can be considered a
contact. The period of time you want to look at is 2 days prior to symptom onset or if no
symptoms, 2 days prior to the date they tested positive through the last day they were at
work. Anyone they spent more than 15 minutes with during that time would be considered
a contact. - Inform any employees who have been identified as a contact that they are a contact. Do
not disclose the name of the person who tested positive, it is protected health information.
If the employee chooses to share that information themselves, they can. - Close contacts should:
- Monitor for symptoms for 10 days after their last exposure.
- If symptoms develop, stay home and get tested.
- Wear a close-fitting mask for 10 days after their last exposure.
- Test on day 5 after exposure.
Testing can be sought through:
• Tillamook County Community Health Center, call 842-3900 and select the option for scheduling.
• Adventist Urgent Care-Tillamook
• Rinehart Clinic-Wheeler
• Manzanita Urgent Care- Manzanita
Home Test kits are available at:
• County libraries
• Tillamook County Community Health Center
• Online at www.covidtest.gov
Where to get support:
OHA continues to staff their COVID-19 case support line which is available by calling: 866-917-8881. The phone line is staffed by OHA staff Monday-Friday 8am-5pm and is closed for holidays. You can use this line to report a positive test result, receive information on isolation guidelines and support with isolation.
Positive results may also be reported online at: Did you test positive for COVID-19?
You can also reach a public health representative at 503-842-3940. Calls are returned within 24 business hours.
Due to the high level of transmission in Tillamook County we are encouraging all people to wear a mask while in-doors and get a COVID-19 vaccine or booster if eligible.
We understand how difficult this time is for everyone. Thank you for everything you do to keep your employees safe and healthy.
Rockie Phillips
Public Health Deputy Director
Tillamook County Health Department

About Tillamook County Community Health Centers
TCCHC has been a Federally Qualified Health Center since 1994, providing medical, dental, behavioral, and public health services. Please visit our website at https://tillamookchc.org/ or on Facebook at TillamookCHC.