The 2023 crab season has had partial openings with southern waters opening December 16th; and the northern waters opened on December 31st.
Pioneer videographer/photographer Don Backman caught these images of the Garibaldi crab fleet as they crossed one of the most dangerous bars on the Oregon Coast to drop crab gear to bring the bounty of the sea to our tables. for the freshest crab, go down to the Port of Garibaldi – there are multiple fishing vessels and seafood purveyors with fresh Dungeness. The photos and video convey what the fleet endures to bring the delicacies of the sea to us. Our heartfelt appreciation to the fishermen and women that a brave these mighty winter oceans. To note – the Coast Guard was keeping a watchful eye as the fleet made their transits across the bar.

For more of Don’s photos – see his website or SeaQuest Treasures in Rockaway Beach.