By Deb Simmons
Manzanita residents are tired of not being heard. They want fact-based information to undo the numerous and serious problems facing this city that means so much to all of us. They want and need services that address the specific needs of a community with a median age of 65.5 years.
As a long-time Manzanita resident, I have these same desires. And I believe that it’s time for us to step up and make positive change happen. For these reasons, I am announcing that I will run for mayor in the November election. As a retired educator and former business-owner who has lived in this area since 1992, I would like to implement policies with advisory support and input from the community.
I envision Town Hall Meetings where residents ask questions and receive thoughtful answers. I envision a long-term plan that includes sidewalks and bike paths. I envision affordable housing that brings in a vibrant work force. I envision a Planning Commission that is well-trained to maintain the natural characteristics of our neighborhoods defined by our founding fathers. I envision a return to the Comprehensive Plan, a compassionate plan that is the law of our city — with clear policies to support our future plans. I envision a city where residents’ needs outweigh those of special interests. I envision a balanced view that looks ahead ten and twenty years, and addresses environmental concerns as well as how we want our neighborhoods to be developed, serviced and maintained. I envision a balanced budget that is sustainable.
I look forward to discussing your concerns over the next several months and sharing my views with you. It’s time the residents’ voices are heard.