On Thursday, Oct. 11, at the Pine Grove Community House, 225 Laneda Ave, in Manzanita, Cristen Don will conduct a virtual underwater tour of Oregon’s five marine sites to explore the work being done at the Cape Falcon site by Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife and their many collaborators.
The program will also discuss input ODFW will be seeking from local communities for development of the Cape Falcon Marine Reserve site management plan in the next six months.
The event will be held at the Pine Grove Community House, 225 Laneda Ave, in Manzanita. The presentation will start at 7:20 p.m. following an update from Lower Nehalem Watershed Council at 7 p.m.
This event is part of the Lower Nehalem Watershed Council’s regular Speaker Series, each second Thursday in January — May, October and November for natural resource focused presentations. The event is free and open to the public. Find more information on our speaker series on the council’s Facebook page.