CARE’s Houseless Connect event will be held on January 24th at Tillamook Fairgrounds from 10 am to 3 pm.
Please donate – with the inclement weather supplies are low. Houseless Connect is an opportunity for CARE to complete the Point In Time Count (PIT) to gather data on our community members experiencing houselessness, as well as an opportunity for our unhoused peers to have access to services and much-needed items. CARE is currently looking for donations of the following items to distribute to those in need, and we ask that items donated are new or gently used:
Boots, socks, gloves, hats, coats and jackets, scarves, blankets, belts and suspenders, and Pet food. Items can be dropped off at the CARE office at 2310 1st St Suite 2
Tillamook Animal Shelter is once again supporting CARE’s annual January Houseless Connect by encouraging all you generous friends and supporters to donate pet food and supplies for those in need. This year Houseless Connect is missing one of its greatest supporters—animal advocate and activist, Lee Blackmon. Won’t you please pick up that extra bag of pet food and maybe a leash, toy, or other gift of caring and donate it in Lee’s memory. Drop off donations at KTIL or directly at CARE at 2310 1st St Suite 2. Please accompany large bags of dry food with a box of ziploc baggies for distributing the kibble. Thank you.
Here’s more information about all of the services available at the Homeless Connect event. If you or someone you know is unhoused, please share this information with them