By April Bailey
The Dorymen’s Association 19th Annual Blessing of the Fleet has consistently had a dual purpose — to recognize God as the One capable of blessing the bountiful harvest of the Pacific and the Protector of the fisherman, while remembering those who have passed on. This year’s Blessing was distinct, not because of the utilization of strictly local singers, or the uncustomary balmy weather. The uniqueness of this Blessing of the Fleet was it contained a condensed memorial for the late, distinguished statesman and doryman, Paul Hanneman.
Paul Hanneman was a Pacific City resident for most of his life. According to his obituary in the Oregonian, he spent nearly three decades in the Oregon House of Representatives, and “served on more than 40 local, state, and federal committees, boards, and commissions.” One of those boards was that of the Doryman’s Association. Paul Hanneman passed away on May 3rd of this year. Ironically, May 3rd was also the day that Captain Dave Stiles, Eagle Charters Fishing and Dorymen Association member, passed away.
Despite all of Hanneman’s accomplishments, he was not one to call attention to himself, and requested his family not to hold a public memorial service. His family honored his request, but his fellow dorymen could not pass by an opportunity to say a few short words about their revered “Ace”. They also presented Hanneman’s widow, Sandra, with some special autographed photographs.

Other highlights from the Blessing of the Fleet was the introduction music on violin by Erin Winesburgh; performance of the national anthem by local singer/songerwriter, Lezlee Griffith; performance of “Amazing Grace” by Dory Princess Mariah Hallock and Kathleen Serven; and prayers/Bible readings/messages by James Dieringer (retired Catholic priest), Linton Whittles (Pastor of Blaine Community Church) and Dan Mason (Pastor of Pacific Coast Bible Church).