After careful thought I am endorsing David Gomberg for House District #10 and Suzanne Weber for House District #32. I have worked extensively with both over the last 7 years. Both candidates have been forceful advocates for education.
Representative Gomberg has worked to secure funding for the Neskowin Emergency Access Route. He has been a great partner for the County in protecting our interests from the politicians from the large urban centers. Representative Gomberg has stood up for rural counties and he has the battle scares to prove it. You don’t buck urban power holders without paying a price.
I have also worked closely with Mayor Weber. Her support of housing, wellness and the timber industry speaks for itself. Under her leadership the downtown City of Tillamook has transitioned into a vibrant and inviting place.
I don’t endorse candidates by party affiliation, I endorse the candidate by their effectiveness. Both Representative Gomberg and Mayor Weber are two candidates I can fully endorse!
Bill Baertlein