The Eugene Schmuck Foundation (ESF), founded in 1997, and has now distributed over $1.4 million to the North Tillamook County during its existence, hosted the 2018 Manzanita Open Golf Tournament in May. The event was held at the new and improved ‘Manzanita Links’ golf course, formally ‘Manzanita Golf Course’.
The Manzanita Open had 427 golfers this year and the ESF provides the funding for donations to so many of our local groups. Now the ESF is in the process of distributing checks to those groups. This year we took in over $75,000 during the tournament and throughout the year. Thank you so much to all our 104 sponsors, 120 donors, 86 volunteers, and participants and friends that help make this a successful event. (ESF will acknowledge all our sponsors, volunteers, and donors.)
The scholarships that the ESF is giving out this year total $16,500 with this year’s four year scholarships awarded to Lacoya Reny, Samuel Holm, and Gabriel Calkins and the alumni scholarship was awarded to Danielle Finlay. Congratulations to all of the Neah-Kah-Nie high school graduates for this year’s senior class was truly remarkable.
The ESF funds are also being distributed to Neah-Kah-Nie High School District 56 sports programs, North County Food Bank, North Coast Recreation District, Adventist Faith in Action and Hospice, Rinehart Clinic, New Discoveries Pre-school, Senior Meals, Grub Club, Sammy’s Place, Family Resource Centers, to name a few.
Here are a few photos – a small representation of our donations to the community.

Evan Solley who is instructing the new NKN high school robotics team along with Kathryn Harmon, librarian for the NKN middle and high school libraries as well as running the after school tech clubs, Bob Joseph from ESF and students at Neahkahnie High School where this donation will help fund the new robotics program.
For information on the Eugene Schmuck Foundation or the upcoming Manzanita Open next May, visit our facebook page or contact either Bob Joseph @ 503-368-3187 or Dave Matthews @ 503-739-0909.
Bob Joseph 503-368-3187 or email: