This state-wide speed test initiative will be used by the Oregon Broadband Office to prioritize grant funding and infrastructure investment.
Please use the link below to take a speed test and update the state map to help Tillamook County get the funding it needs.
The Faster Internet Oregon speed test campaign is a statewide broadband mapping effort that encourages Oregonians to measure their Internet speeds at home or report if they do not have an Internet connection. This campaign will help identify gaps in high-speed Internet service and provide data to ensure that funding decisions on broadband infrastructure are based on an accurate assessment of gaps in connectivity across urban, rural, and Tribal communities statewide.
The Faster Internet Oregon site ( features an easy-to-use speed test and asks a few simple location questions for mapping accuracy. The speed test takes less than one minute to complete and will help ensure equitable distribution of broadband funds to the communities that need it most.
Privacy is of the utmost importance to the campaign’s partners. No personally identifiable information will be stored beyond the address that residents provide—and this information will not be available for public viewing. No information will be sold. Data will only be available to campaign partners and decision-makers who sign a data-use agreement that ensures privacy.
The State anticipates receiving an unprecedented amount of infrastructure funding from various federal sources. To help Oregon communities secure the funding necessary to support broadband infrastructure, particularly for historically un- and under-served communities, Oregon must be prepared with accurate information on the current status of Internet access: speeds, cost, providers, etc. Better data will result in more equitable allocation decisions, ensuring that funds are available to the communities that need it most.
This campaign will help to secure infrastructure funding across the state and ensure the funding is allocated equitably so that everyone has access to fast, affordable Internet service.
Individual Oregonians
This project will provide information to individuals about their actual Internet speeds, tips and tricks for getting better connectivity, and information about federal programs that can help pay for home Internet service.
The Faster Internet Oregon project will provide decision-makers with data that will:
- Identify Oregon homes that lack high-speed Internet;
- Clarify which households do not have an Internet connection and why;
- Provide cost estimates and assess competitive viability of a variety of technical solutions for areas with identified gaps.
We’re asking organizations, businesses, and individuals to spread the word about the Faster Internet Oregon speed test.
What: As a trusted communications hub for your community, we ask that you reach out to your constituents, endorse the Faster Internet Oregon initiative as safe and protective of personally identifiable information (PII), and encourage their participation.
How: We’ve created a kit of materials that will make it easy to communicate about the program via email, newsletter, or social media — or even provide materials at in-person events or door-to-door. Is there a specific type of outreach material you could use but don’t see in our packet? Please feel free to contact us and we’ll do our best to support you.
When: Beginning May 16
Questions? Please don’t hesitate to reach out to us at
The more you help us spread the word, the more data we’ll receive. Having more information increases communities’ eligibility for funding. We can then improve broadband access where it’s needed most.
Faster Internet Oregon is a consortium of non-profit and governmental organizations formed to gather and aggregate crowdsourced broadband data across the state to create scalable, dynamic maps that more accurately reflect the broadband situation in Oregon, and competitive analysis and cost estimates for funding opportunities.
The project is led by the Oregon Economic Development Association, Onward Eugene, Speed Up America, and Link Oregon. It is supported by Central Oregon Intergovernmental Council, Columbia Pacific Economic Development District, Greater Eastern Oregon Development Corporation, Mid- Columbia Economic Development District, Mid-Willamette Valley Council of Governments, Northeastern Oregon Economic Development District, Oregon Cascades West Council of Governments, SOREDI, and South-Central Oregon Economic Development District.