The newly transformed organization, Heart of Cartm is celebrating the opening of their office in Wheeler on Friday August 13th. The Heart of Cartm supports community building, sustainable living and artistic expression in a space we call The Office of Reimagination, located at 395 Nehalem Boulevard in Wheeler.
You are cordially and enthusiastically invited to attend our Heart of Cartm Grand Transformation Celebration! Of course trash fashion attire is encouraged.
Friday, August 13th, 2021 from 5p – 8p at 395C Nehalem Blvd, Wheeler
Please join us to celebrate Cartm history, our exciting new vision, and the opening of The Office of Reimagination!
Noon – 6:00 – We’re open!
2:00 – 4:00 – Jewelry Repair Workshop
5:30 – Ribbon Cutting by Wheeler City Mayor Doug Honeycutt
6:00 – 8:00 – Light refreshments, open mic storytelling, raffle prizes!
A big thank you to:
Our Sponsors
Manzanita Lumber
Nehalem Lumber
Our In-Kind Donors
Jamison Grinsell Construction
Bublitz & Koch Construction
Poppy Perez
Devon Bender
Maisie Siegel
Lacoya Reny
Wheeler Treasures
Our Volunteers
Lane DeMoll
Vivi Tallman
Henry Stanley
Justin Bush
Jena Christiansen
Edith Rohde
Heart of Cartm supports community building, sustainable living and artistic expression.
Perhaps we can all agree that the last 2 years, especially, brought some dark and uncomfortable times – situations and events that felt unnerving and uncertain. In the 2 years since Tillamook County took over operation of the transfer station, Cartm, the organization, also experienced a dark night of the soul, so to speak, and in true transformational spirit started down the road of reinventing itself.
In June 2021, all members of the Cartm Recycling board stepped down and a new enthusiastic team of leaders stepped up, including me serving as Board Chair. Thank you to everyone who built CARTM, laid the foundation (The Heart), and kept the heart beating over the past two years. We will continue to transform ourselves in order to meet the needs of our rural community members and the guests that visit us. We will continue to support the transformation of unwanted things into valuable, more useful things, because out of that work blooms a sustainable community, a circular economy and amazing artistic creations. We appreciate your ongoing involvement and support.
We want you to be part of this journey with us by signing up to take a workshop, volunteering with us, or donating money to help us realize our ultimate vision of a forever home for the Heart Creative Reuse Center. We are currently looking for a permanent home on a piece of property that would function as a picker’s paradise, a REmakers space, a learning center and a community hub.
You can visit us at The Office of Reimagination at 395 Nehalem Blvd in Wheeler, Oregon, Friday – Monday, Noon to 6pm to reminisce at the CART’M Recycling history wall or craft a little something out of discarded materials in our free make and take area.
You can also sign up for one of our many workshops at
These times are challenging us to reimagine the way a rural community can collect and use its resources. Let’s reimagine our relationship to waste, together at the Heart of Cartm!
For more information
visit our website
email me
Or call the heartline 971-389-8414