By Sierra Lauder, Director of Events and Downtown Development, Tillamook Area Chamber of Commerce
Traffic impacts should be less extreme this week and next, as flagging through the intersections has wrapped up. Excavation on the block between First and Second on the west side of Main for a bioswale will likely keep traffic to one lane for that block through the end of this week. Early next week, that excavation work will shift to the northwest corner of the intersection of Third and Main, where sidewalk removal has already begun. The future sushi restaurant is also undergoing heavy renovation on that corner, and the timing will be close for the opening of the restaurant and the sidewalk there later this month.
On the bridge, railing and pylons are being formed and poured. The process starts with the plywood rectangular forms that we’ve seen go up this week, and will last a few more weeks before the results are unveiled. Drainage and grading on either side of the bridge progresses, so expect to see large equipment steadily active in that area as we approach summertime and the opening of the bridge.

Less obvious, but also big steps for the project: lighting has been installed in the Hoquarton Trailhead area- the west end of the “Crosstown Connection” trail project. On the east end, the pedestrian crossing on the railroad bridge that crosses Highway 6 and leads in to Goodspeed Park is coming along nicely. Protective fencing is set to be installed next week, allowing access over the bridge for pedestrian use while keeping the rail in place.
Be safe out there.
For more FAQ’s about our project, including conceptual drawings that help visualize the project in its entirety, you can check out the ODOT page: