By Sierra Lauder, Director of Events and Downtown Development, Tillamook Area Chamber of Commerce
Sticky Stomps got us through the busy Fourth of July week, and it is time for the permanent striping to go down in the newly paved portion of the project! There will be a more thorough update after the 10th, but I wanted to be sure to get it on your radar that striping crews will be active starting at 7PM on Monday, July 9th. There should be minimal lane closures for this and no detours necessary, but striping can slow traffic and be a bit of a surprise, so be alert. The work will all be done in the evening, and is expected to go fairly quickly. The new traffic pattern will be in place (including the “sharrows”), and perhaps will be most noticeable on southbound Main at the First St. intersection. The goal is for the new traffic signals to go live in tandem with the striping, although there is a plan for temporary signage if necessary.
Although not part of the Highway Project, I also wanted to call your attention to the construction work taking place on Fifth St between Main and Stillwell and on First and Ivy to Front St. Both projects are City of Tillamook projects. The Fifth St work is part of an infrastructure investment that replaces and protects the sewer laterals on that stretch of Fifth St, many of which were heavily damaged and failing. The nature of the work requires complete closure of the street at times, with some local access. Please be sure to call Rawe Autobody (503.842.4773) to schedule with them and get updates on access to their shop while this project wraps up.

Hope you all had a safe and happy holiday week last week! Look forward to another project update with more details about sidewalk scheduling and progress in the near future.