Oregon spring break has thrown more than usual commotion into the traffic mix and next week’s Washington break may add even more, particularly if the weather shows a couple of strands of sunshine.
They’ll be arriving to see the further demolition of the west sidewalk between 2nd and 1st Streets up to the Rodeo. That will push the envelope with having two blocks open at a time but the hope is to move right in behind them with the curbs, driveways, ADA Ramps, and sidewalks.
The pedestrian bridges and pathways to the entrances along Pacific have taken on the appearance of a maze. With the underground vaults exposed, the residents and business patrons have found the work beneath their feet quite intriguing. In this next week however, the lids for those vaults should be poured and the vaults backfilled so that attraction will disappear back underground.
Next door, the Second Street plaza will be getting a lot of attention as the conduits for the future undergrounding of electrical power in the plaza is installed by Just Bucket Excavating, Inc., so that the base for the new roadway and the fine grading can follow shortly behind.
And right behind that, Westwind, the concrete flatwork subcontractors, will be building a 10 x 10 plaza mock-up so that everyone can see a sample of what the future will bring. At a later point, after everyone is done admiring it, the mock-up will be incorporated into the permanent flatwork on the Plaza.
Similarly, the bridgework is now on a very focused timeline as the decks are being formed up, run-offs are set up, and bulkheads maneuvered into place in preparation for the deck pour that is targeted for Tax Day. Remember that’s April 18th this year.
Fortunately, Spring breakers will not likely encounter the traffic-stopping drainage pipe crossings by the front of Rosenberg’s as those are set to occur as night work early next week. These tie-ins will run back to the east side where the main drain has been laid, and getting them across 101 will require flaggers to move vehicles through, so with the holiday traffic and Rosenberg’s business activities in mind, the decision was made to shift the work out of high traffic hours and into the night.