It’s been a tough year for everyone and so many of us are, frankly, tired. Tired of not seeing our loved ones. Tired of wearing a face covering. Tired of staying close to home. But we are so close to helping end the pandemic! Even if we are fully vaccinated, many other people are not. And until we reach the point where COVID-19 can no longer easily spread, we need to keep practicing the proven safety precautions.
The fact is that COVID-19 is a new virus. That means health experts are still learning how effective the authorized vaccines work against the virus and emerging variants. Early data shows the vaccines work very well against the virus, but could be less effective against some emerging variants. Experts are also monitoring how well the authorized vaccines keep people from spreading the disease, and how long vaccine protection lasts.
The good news? We know what we must do to help stop the spread of COVID-19. Wear a face covering. Watch your distance, wash your hands often and stay home when you’re sick. And get vaccinated when you are able. Create an account at Get Vaccinated Oregon to find out where you can get vaccinated.
If you have questions about what you can do after vaccination, potential side effects and second doses, join Oregon Health Authority (OHA) for a Facebook Live, Wednesday, April 28 at noon, to have these and other post-vaccination questions answered by our experts.