Indivisible Greater Tillamook is sponsoring “The Space Between Us,” an Oregon Humanities Conversation Project. The meeting will be held March 24, 2018, at 2 p.m., at the Tillamook County Library, Hatfield Room, 1716 3rd St, Tillamook. This program is free and open to the public.
Global displacement is on the rise, thanks to intractable conflicts, economics, and climate change. Oregonians have and will continue to see the results of international migration in our neighborhoods. In this conversation, Manuel Padilla, who has worked with refugees in Haiti, Chad, and Washington, DC, asks participants to consider questions of uprootedness, hospitality, identity, perception, and integration and how we might build more informed, responsive, resilient, and vibrant communities.
Manuel Padilla is the executive director of Portland Meet Portland and is a teacher and consultant in the areas of dialogue, conflict transformation, social change, and international aid and development. He has a BA in philosophy from Portland State University; an MA in peace, conflict, and development studies from the UNESCO Chair for the Philosophy of Peace; and has done peace building and human rights work both domestically and internationally. His professional interest is rooted in his deep spiritual desire to use group processes to foster cultures of encounter and vulnerability, transform conflict, and build civil society.
Indivisible Greater Tillamook is committed to educate, energize and engage citizens to create a government that works to assure all Americans a safe, healthy, just and prosperous future.