Here’s to Strong Women – May We Be Them; May We Know Them; May We Raise Them!
As a women-owned business, the Tillamook County Pioneer is proud to give a shout-out to all of you on International Women’s Day especially to our pioneering mothers, grandmothers, great-grandmothers and all the generations of Wonder Women that have come before and are yet to be … we are making a difference. Rise up and hold up into the light all the power that we have as women to take care of Mother Earth as she has cared for us.
“It’s in the reach of my arms,
The span of my hips,
The stride of my step,
The curl of my lips.
I’m a woman
Phenomenal woman,
That’s me”
– Maya Angelou
Great Spirit, creator of ALL,
Give to women of our time the strength to persevere,
the courage to speak out,
the faith to believe -beyond all systems and institutions
So that the face of the Beloved on earth may be seen
in all its beauty, so that men and women become whole.
May all women find the courage to live from the Heart
Grace us and this world with balanced feminine energy
May we embrace all cultures, sizes and ages
May we see beauty in ALL
Let us celebrate life
May Women Circles be available for all women
May all daughters learn the Sacredness, Joy and Wildness of Sisterhood
May we be their example
and may all Women Unite
Let us honor our elders
Let us be vital to ourselves and excistence
May we embrace the Voice of the Heart
Let us be authentic, loving, Wild and free.
A happy Loving and joyful Women’s Day to all!
With love,
(from) Team Wild Woman Sisterhood