Who: Seaside Aquarium
What: Seal Pup Season
When: April through September
Where: Oregon and Washington Coasts
Fuzzy, plump and cute enough to squeeze, newborn harbor seal season is in full swing. While their big brown eyes might look irresistible we all must remember: Do Not Touch Seal Pups! It is important to remember that it is normal for a seal pup to be resting, relaxing and soaking up the sun alone. However, the mother may not return if humans or other animals are too close so experts advise ‘don’t touch seal pups!’
Here is a link to a very cute seal pup resting on the beach (1) Harbor seal pup rests on an Oregon beach, 2017 – YouTube
The Marine Mammal Stranding Network responds to sightings of pups and other injured or dead marine mammals. For our region in northern Oregon, Seaside Aquarium is the local responder for the Marine Mammal Stranding Network and can be contacted at 503.738.6211. If a stranded mammal is found elsewhere the Oregon State Police reporting line can be called 1.800.452.7888.