Join North Coast Communities for Watershed Protection’s Upcoming Meeting
We are excited to announce a free educational event (hosted on Zoom) which will feature a talk by Deke Gundersen, Ph.D. a toxicologist and Director of the Environmental Studies Department at Pacific University. He has consulted with North Coast Communities for Watershed Protection (NCCWP) over the years and has expert insights regarding the impact of pesticide chemicals on health.
At the meeting, we will also update you on our efforts to end clear-cut logging and pesticide spraying in our drinking watersheds, regardless of land ownership. We will discuss upcoming volunteer opportunities (including a petition effort in the works) and direct actions you can take to protect our forests, watersheds and the health of our communities. We look forward to seeing you there! Sign up for the Zoom meeting using this link.
Or register at our webpage
The health of our communities, as well as the forests and watersheds we depend on, is at stake due to the practices of large, industrial forestry operations. Fortunately, an up-swell of momentum continues to build around Oregon’s forests and drinking watersheds right now. It’s the perfect time to get involved and help us work to safeguard and restore our drinking water sources, forests, and air quality.
Regardless of who actually owns the land, by law, all water in Oregon is publicly owned. All watersheds that supply wells, spring boxes, or municipal systems should be legislatively protected. In recognition of the necessity of clean and safe drinking water for all, as a matter of law, there should be no more logging nor pesticide spraying in drinking water sources.
We are advocating for the critical need to prioritize the health of our communities and put DRINKING WATER FIRST!
North Coast Communities for Watershed Protection (formerly Rockaway Beach Citizens for Watershed Protection) is a grassroots group working, through education and advocacy, for better protections of the water we drink, the air we breathe, and the forests that sustain us.
Contact us at: