TILLAMOOK, Ore. — Tillamook County Community Health Centers (TCCHC) is partnering with the Tillamook County Sheriff’s office (TCSO) to hold a prescription drug take back day to help you safely dispose of unused or out-of-date medications from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Saturday, Oct. 24, 2020 at the Tillamook clinic located at 801 Pacific Avenue, Tillamook.
“It’s important to dispose of unused or old medications safely,” said Robin Watts, RN, BSN, and Public Health nurse manager. “Unused or old prescriptions can be misused by other people who might have access to them, we are working with TCSO to securely dispose of these medications,” continued Watts. Medications may be left in their original containers but remove or mark out personal information. Liquid and cream medications will not be accepted at this event – all other medications (over-the-counter medicines to restricted prescription drugs) are welcome. To safely dispose of liquid or cream medications, it is recommended that you mix them with kitty litter in a plastic bag and place them in the trash.
TCCHC will also host a safe disposal of sharps (needles or other injectables). Sharps must be fully contained in red plastic sharps containers and separated from medications.
Flu shots will also be provided (vaccine or flu mist) at this event. Please bring your insurance card with you to this event if you would like a flu shot. Flu vaccines are a covered benefit for many insurance plans, including those on the Oregon Health Plan. For anyone that is under and uninsured, flu shots are available for an administration fee of $15, but no one will be turned away for an inability to pay.
TCCHC has been a Federally Qualified Health Center since 1994, providing medical, dental, behavioral and public health services. Please visit our website at https://tillamookchc.org/ or on Facebook at TillamookCHC.