EDITOR’S NOTE: Tillamook School District’s efforts to remove “How the Garcia Girls Lost Their Accent” from an Honors English optional reading list is considered to be “book banning” by the Oregon Library Association considers both efforts as censorship and attempts of curtailing free speech. It also hints at the fact that if books are removed from school curriculum because of content, the book would effectively be considered a “banned book”:
“A challenge is an attempt to have a book removed from a library, classroom, or other setting because a person or group objects to something in the book.
Not all challenges result in the book being removed. In fact, many challenges do not succeed, and the challenged book remains in the library or continues to be part of the school’s curriculum. If the book is removed, it is then considered a “banned book.”
As Jim notes below, the school board meets on Monday August 12th. A letter has been sent to the school board chair requesting that the review not be considered as the process violated several TSD#9 policies about the review. We will continue to follow this situation.
By Jim Heffernan
I’ve been thinking a lot about the empty businesses I see as I drive through Tillamook regularly.
I moved here 45 years ago and think of myself as “almost from here.” I love this town and it saddens me to see it die a little year by year.
I think there are a lot of causes for the decline. The arrival of the “big box” stores is high on the list. Other factors include the decline of the timber and fishing industries, automation of the dairy industry, and a decline in the birth rate. Saddest of all these causes, to me, is a certain “small mindedness” that pervades our community and drives our youth away.
I believe the current attempt to remove “How the Garcia Girls Lost Their Accents” from the 10th Grade English Honors optional reading list is a good example of “small mindedness.” I’ve read the book and found it to be very good.* The Young Adult Library Services Association in 1997 recognized the book as appropriate for young adults from age 12 to 18.
Tillamook School district 9’s curriculum committee has voted 4-3 not to retain the book for the 10th Grade Honors list of options. Small minds seem to prevail.
We may not have much control over the large forces that beset our community, but I believe we can make our voices heard in the cause of promoting “community mindedness.” The school board meets August 12 to vote on whether the book will remain on the list. We can attend and make our opinions known.
* My review available at, https://www.tillamookcountypioneer.net/book-review-how-the-garcia-girls-lost-their-accents-by-julia-alvarez/
As always discussion welcome at codger817@gmail.com If you would like 6 page PDF rationale of the book published by National Council of Teachers of English, let me know and I can e-mail it to you.