Sitka Center for Art & Ecology in collaboration with Waterstone Gallery will debut the 20th Anniversary Folio and related work in an exhibition at Waterstone Gallery January 12 – February 28, 2021. The Residency was established in 2002 to provide working artists with little or no printmaking experience the opportunity to explore a new creative medium with guidance, instruction and technical assistance from an expert etching printer.
This unique exhibit will showcase prints created by nine Schnnitzer Residency alumni brought back to create a 20th Anniversary Folio. Master printmaker Julia D’Amario will create the 10th image. Julia D’Amario was involved in the conception of the printmaking residency program, and has taught every artist in the program. Her expertise and extraordinary passion to share her printmaking knowledge has elevated and expanded the creative conceptions of those she works with.
Participating residents have reported that the in-depth time working in a new medium, which has a very distinct sequence of process with a wide range of potential outcomes, allows them to reinvigorate approaches in their traditional way of image making. New materials and techniques can stimulate an artist, provide a new challenge, and create results that can go in unexpected and exciting directions.
In order to demonstrate the relationship between mediums, each artist will showcase artwork made in their traditional mediums, alongside the print made during their time at Sitka. Juxtaposing the artist’s traditional medium with the new printmaking results helps demonstrate the depth of an artist and how they translate their skills and vision across mediums. The comparisons and contrasts created can be evocative and revealing about each artist.
Several virtual artist talks are planned as part of the exhibition, along with robust social media through Sitka Center and Waterstone Gallery. The gallery is currently open Saturday and Sunday from 11am – 4pm. Additional times are available by request.

Baba Wagué Diakite, Sabina Haque, Linda Hutchins, Dana Lynn Louis, Ryan Pierce, Larry Thomas, Patti Warashina, Heather Watkins, Marie Watt, and Julia D’Amario.

Through workshops, residencies and events the Sitka Center provides time and space for place-based reflection, inquiry and creation at the
intersection of art and ecology. A 501(c)(3) nonprofit located on Cascade Head in the Salmon River estuary north of Lincoln City, Sitka
offers a place where visual artists, writers, natural scientists, musicians and interdisciplinary creatives of all abilities and backgrounds come to
nourish their curiosity and creativity. 2020 marks Sitka’s 50th year of offering art- and nature-inspired workshops, residencies and public
events on the Oregon Coast.
For more details visit