Mom, Linda Shaffer, passed away peacefully at home in Netarts, Oregon on March 7th with family. She was 77. It was her wish that there be no service, she wanted to keep it simple. We will miss her, but we know she is back with dad, RIP mom. Shannon & Pam
Linda Shaffer – Mom, grandmother, great-grandmother, daughter, friend – former editor of the Tillamook Headlight-Herald; writer – The Geezer Tribe
I had lunch with Linda just a few weeks ago, February 19th. She had messaged me that she was on hospice. I re-arranged my schedule, and said I’d pick up chowder at Pacific and be there for lunch the next day. Over chowder and wine, I asked if she’d written her obituary. She replied, “No obit, no services.” This is difficult for the family and friends to fathom, those of us left here to understand, but I do get it. She was done, and, for the most part, she had already shared many (most) of her life stories through Geezer Tribe. We laughed and joked about the fact that it didn’t matter, she wouldn’t be here. Keep it simple, yeah, sure Linda – there was nothing “simple” about you!
When I received the couple sentences from Linda’s daughter with a note that I could “add some of my own words.” I laughed – of course, I’ve got a “few words” to add. I’ve heard from some of Linda’s friends as well (see Neal Lemery’s Words of Wisdom today with his ode to Linda.) If you have a Linda Shaffer story or memory to share, please send it to the Pioneer (email below).
The Geezer Tribe columns are archived here forever, so we can always hear her special voice. We had talked about a book, and yes, we will work on an anthology of the Geezer Tribe, our tribute to Linda for all her Geezer readers.
Over the last year, every few months, I’d grab lunch at one of the food trucks and drive out to Netarts to spend a few hours absorbing the good words of Linda. She always had stories to share, accompanied with her wit, wisdom and wisecracks. We often finished each others sentences – two writer/editors with minds that often wandered into the realm of what-ifs, what-abouts and always solving all the world’s problems. Linda got me, and I got her. I’ve been thinking a lot about her these past few days, and it brings a smile to my face, and a few tears, for the want of more time. Linda was a volunteer with Oregon State Park’s during “Whale Watching Week” which is coming up March 22 through 30th. She would don her volunteer vest, and rain coat to woman her station at Cape Kiwanda, to help those searching the waves for spouts and tails. I’m sure there’s a Geezer Tribe about her adventures – raining sideways and more.
Linda absolutely LOVED our little corner of the world. During our last visit, she told me about the herons that roosted in the big firs across from her house, and we talked about the return of the sea otters to the Oregon Coast waters she could catch a glimpse of. Our conversations were always entertaining and spanned many subjects. We could keep up with each other’s random thoughts. She lamented about the state of the media, our community and nation right now. Her diagnosis, “We’ve lost our civility, our respect for each other, to just be nice,” she declared. “Every story I’ve done has come from a place of kindness, and I really listen.” A true journalist, a way with words and the strength of a strong character. Truly a wonder woman. Listen and be kind – okay I’ve got it. That’s easy advice to follow. I am so lucky to have shared this friendship with her.
The last few years were rough for Linda – physically with seemingly one thing after another and of course, emotionally as she championed through her injuries and illnesses to painstakingly care for her beloved Mr. S. They are now together, along with the infamous Grover and most importantly, I know that she is pain free and sharing so many hugs.
So, watch for a Geezer Tribe anthology, and we’ll randomly share a “vintage” Geezer Tribe from time to time. And it would be great for you all to share your stories about Linda – send them to I can see her now grinning from ear to ear as she listens to every word. Then spend some time whale watching over the next few weeks. That would be the very best way we could honor her – Linda Shaffer – a true community treasure.
Here’s a gem –
To find more Geezer Tribe, just go to the Search and put in Geezer Tribe … she will always be here.