January 5, 2019 found local high school SAFE committees collecting electronic waste (E-waste) and Styrofoam as a part of their fundraising campaign. For the fifth year in a row, the Solid Waste Department is supporting local schools paying a per pound price for E-waste collected on this one-day event. “E-waste is accepted at any time at county transfer stations,” says David McCall, Tillamook County Solid Waste Program Manager, “but the first Saturday of the year we give the schools a chance to raise some funds for their projects. Students and parents show up to do the legwork so they earn what they make.”
All three county high school SAFE committees participated in this year’s collection. Between them, collecting nearly 8 tons of electronics and an ample supply of Styrofoam. McCall adds, “It’s great to see local communities come out in support of the students. It was a good day for all.”

For more information about recycling in Tillamook County, visit www.co.tillamook.or.us/gov/solidwaste or contact the Solid Waste office at 503.815.3975 or recycle@co.tillamook.or.us.