There have been many recent letters about candidates in the upcoming Manzanita elections with distracting information.
The reason for distracting you is the current situation in Manzanita caused by our current incumbents.
They are not talking about the mold in city hall, city staff moved to very small quarters, the botched bond, the STR overload in hot zones, $2M land purchase that we are not using or the recent storm sewer $800K-$1.2M budget shortfall. Pause, think about it, no opposition for years, time for change.
Why you want a mayor who listens to citizens and engages with them? Listening to discover, as a mayor, simply means you are interested in gathering valuable information. By seeking new results, you keep an open mind in a search for innovation and peak performance. That is a big and important part of leadership.
We need candidates who question, pester, fix, candidates like Scott Galvin, Randy Kugler and Jerry Spegman
Vote for Change
Gerald Wineinger