2025 is upon us, and it’s time to think about summer markets! Yes, really! The Manzanita Farmers Market is now accepting applications for new and returning vendors. The market will be 19 weeks this season, running from May 16 to September 19. It will continue to be on Friday evenings from 4-7 in the field at 635 Manzanita Avenue in Manzanita.
So…what’s new in 2025?
- We have added a week at the beginning of the season to give us all a chance to warm up before the holiday weekend and to capture some extra early season sales. Market will open May 16 and run for 19 weeks.
- By popular demand, we have brought back the option for full season vendors to pay booth fees up front with a 5% discount. You can select this option when you apply.
- The priority application period is from now until April 1. All applications submitted and paid during the priority application period will have full and equal consideration by the MFM Board. I will respond by email to your application from info@manzanitafarmersmarket.com within 30 days.
- City Hall construction is scheduled to be complete at the beginning of market season. There’s a lot of exciting possibilities about how the new building and space will support the market, and we’ll keep you posted as the season goes on.
- Note that there is a non-refundable $30 application fee. Non-profits tabling in the community booth do not have to pay the application fee
- All vendors are required to attend a pre-season orientation in April (date TBA). We’ll have both an in person and online option.
- Please download and read the new handbook! By applying to the market, you are agreeing to abide by the policies laid out therein.
Here is the link to apply to the Manzanita Farmers Market on Manage My Market:
If you have questions, feel free to reach out to Carolina at info@manzanitafarmersmarket.com) or the board at manzanitafarmersmarketboard@gmail.com. Says Carolina, “I look forward to seeing old friends and meeting new ones in a few months!”
The new vendor handbook and more information is available to download at Manage My Market or manzanitafarmersmarket.com.