The City of Manzanita has put together a short guide (below) pertaining to the public comment period, which ends April 7th and the upcoming virtual public hearing on March 24th to potentially change vehicle use on the ocean shore in Manzanita. If you have further questions, please direct those to Councilor Spegman at
– What is the issue?
Currently, motor vehicle travel is prohibited from the south line of Oswald West State Park southerly to the north boundary of Nehalem Bay State Park except as follows:
A. Between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 12:00 noon, October 1 through April 30;
B. Motor vehicles essential to and engaged in boat launchings will be allowed any time during the year.
Manzanita residents have raised concerns about these exceptions, specifically exception A, above. Though the City lacks the authority to change these rules, it does have the authority to petition the Oregon Parks and Recreation Commission to consider rulemaking changes. The City has acted in its authority to do so.
A resolution was adopted by City Council on January 8, 2025 (see pages 17-18) requesting that the Oregon Parks and Recreation Commission open rulemaking on a proposed change to OAR 736-024-0015(b)(A) and (B). On February 25, the Oregon Parks and Recreation Commission met and heard the above-mentioned Resolution, agreeing to open the rulemaking. As of now, the public comment period is open.
– When does the public comment period end?
The public comment period will end on April 7, 2025 at 5:00 p.m., so be sure to comment before then!
– How do I comment?
Comments can be submitted one of three ways:
1. Online, by clicking here: Oregon Parks and Recreation : Manzanita Ocean Shore Vehicle Restrictions (2025) : Plans, Rules, Permits : State of Oregon. Scroll down and click on the grey box that reads ‘Click here to submit a public comment on this rule.’
2. Via mail, sent here: Oregon Parks and Recreation Department, Attn: Katie Gauthier, 725 Summer St NE, Suite C, Salem OR 97301
3. Via email, sent here:
Whether providing public comment, or testifying (see below), it is good to remember the five categories of review which the Oregon Parks and Recreation Commission will consider in their decision-making process. Those categories are:
1. Safety
2. Access concerns
3. Scenic and recreation values
4. Natural resources
5. Beach management
The City also wants to make clear that you can provide comment or testify whether for or against the deletion of the exception to allow vehicle travel on the ocean shore between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 12:00 noon, October 1 through April 30.
– When is the public hearing?
The VIRTUAL public hearing is scheduled for Monday, March 24th at 5:30 p.m. You must register (see link below.)
– How do I testify?
If you want to testify, you must register ahead of time! To do so, click here: Webinar Registration – Zoom. Enter your first name, last name, and email address, then click ‘Register.’
– How do I watch?
Click here: @oprddirectorsoffice5783/streams.
For prior Council Sessions related to this topic, please see the recordings below:
• November 13, 2024
• December 11, 2024
• January 8, 2025
• March 5, 2025