By Craig Cleary, TORTA Team Member
TORTA, Tillamook Off Road Trail Alliance, was formed March 22, 2018, and gained non-profit status (501c3) soon after by merging with Pacific City Pathways. TORTA is a small group of passionate community members who see a very bright future for mountain biking in Tillamook County.
As avid recreationalists, we have come together to design and create a mountain bike trail system directly north of Pacific City in the Hebo District of the Siuslaw National Forest. Working directly with local land managers and foresters, TORTA is currently flagging over ten miles of trail corridors within the Sand Lake Restoration Project. As a group, we have been awarded a Travel Oregon grant to finance a master plan for this incredible opportunity of building a world class mountain bike trail network along this beautiful western slope of coastal forest.

TORTA has recently completed the construction of The Pacific City Pathway in Pacific City. This new trail serves as a great, family friendly hiking trail that provides an outstanding view of Haystack Rock at its summit and allows easy access to our local forest on BLM lands. While we prioritize mountain biking as our primary goal, we were all very excited to work on and finalize this brand new hiking trail to serve the residents and many visitors to Pacific City.

In the near future, mountain biking will allow visitors to disperse from existing destinations in Tillamook and allow them access into this beautiful forest which will in turn build relationships with full and part time residents and our natural world. TORTA sees an amazing future of off-road bicycling with phase one of this project being just the start to provide a world class trails system. We hope to work with many different land managers, including private, county, state and federal, to interconnect our local communities with the splendor of outdoor recreation, health, fitness and year-round Mountain Biking Stoke!

TORTA is a member of the Tillamook County Wellness coalition, serving on the Access to Physical Activity Committee.
For more information about TORTA and local mountain biking trails, follow Tillamook Off-Road Trails Alliance on Facebook, or go to for more about Tillamook County Wellness.