During the campaign to support the bond measure to build a new pool at NCRD, we were told that funding a new pool was about who we are as a community. The measure passed, and with the right guidance we will have a new pool. But since when did the oversight of a major construction project of that magnitude become the purview of a single board member? That is not, and should not be, on the shoulders of one board member. We certainly appreciate all that Jack Bloom has done so far, but the pool construction oversight is to be delegated to a yet to be selected Executive Director and probably a pool construction manager. The hiring of a new director, who works in collaboration with the board and members of the community, should be the foremost priority of our board. We should only have a pool when we have a director who can provide a five year financial plan for operation after the pool is built. We know that we will have a pool, when we have the right director to shepherd it in and maintain it’s viability.
As much as I believe a pool is vital, I sincerely hope that our community is about so much more than the pool. As a reminder, here is what the NCRD mission says: “promote the educational, social, and physical well-being of the entire North County community by offering activities for all ages and abilities in an inviting environment.” When I have questioned some procedures or policies at NCRD in the past, I have been told “that’s how we’ve always done it”. This is no longer a useful tool for evolving into the future. We are grateful to those who have served, supported, and continue to support NCRD. Our thanks and appreciation go out to all the staff, board, and volunteers.
The events of the last year in the U.S. have shown us that community is about everyone, including those who may not previously have had a voice. We are an increasingly diverse population with a wide range of interests and needs. Constance Schimek has worked diligently and consistently over many years to support NCRD and the whole community. She is the the right person to help us grow, literally and figuratively, with heart and determination. Please vote for her for the NCRD board of Directors.
Lark Miller