Current and accurate information is what is most needed at this time.
If you feeling ill, if you have come in contact with someone who has become ill, review the chart below. If this information is not adequate or does not give you the answers that are satisfactory to you, don’t hesitate to CALL the Rinehart Clinic 1-800-368-51820 or the Adventist Heath Coronavirus Hot Line 1-844-542-8840. For Veterans covered by the VA system call 503-220-8262. If you are a veteran that has been approved for Community Care, you can call your approved provider.
The Tillamook Health Department: You would first need to call the Health Department at 503-842-3900. Patients will be screened and potentially offered an appointment. Depending upon vitals and symptoms during the appointment, patient may be sent directly to the emergency department. The Health department has their Mobile Clinic available for appointments and potential screening of the flu, Strep A, and COVID-19.
The important point is to CALL FIRST. Unless you have an emergency, don’t just walk in. When you call any of the numbers listed, a person will speak with you regarding your situation and symptoms. Do not walk in to any healthcare facility without calling ahead. You will not be served any quicker and you will be putting other people at risk.
From Gordon McCraw, Tillamook County Emergency Manager: “You may have hear and/or read that many fire agencies around the nation have been significantly impacted by COVID-19. The fire and medical folks respond to a medical call and then learn that the individual tests positive for COVID-19. This not only puts the responding crew into quarantine, but everyone that has come into close contact with this crew, like the crew they are working with. I think I heard 14 firefighters were quarantined in Lebanon when the Assisted Living Facility had a positive case.
The reason I say this, I learned that the Mt. Hood and Mt. Bachelor Ski resorts have been closed and they are looking at suspending the climbing activities at those sites also because of the potential of loss of lifesaving resources.
So, what does all this mean. Well, I think now is not a good time to do any dangerous or hazardous outdoor activities or sports. If you get hurt, will there be service available to do an expedited rescue, and will there be beds available at a nearby hospital. Things to ponder before to go!”
The message is clear – CALL first – if it’s not an “emergency” call the non-emergency number 503-815-1911 in Tillamook County. Then they can assess the best response. Let’s not expose our first responders unnecessarily and keep them available for emergencies.