The NBWC’s Annual Meeting will start at 5 pm. The Annual Meeting consists of board elections, selection of board officers, and the Annual Report. All members are welcome to attend to vote in board elections. The Annual Report will be a summary of council activities in 2024 including progress reports on restoration designs, planting projects, and regional collaborations. It’s been a busy year for the council so we hope you’ll come early to learn about what we’ve been up to.
In 2019 residents along West Fork Coal Creek contacted the NBWC with concerns about an area of erosion that was threatening their access road. Executive Director Zac Mallon visited the properties and determined that this was a situation where fish habitat and protecting infrastructure could overlap. So, with support from Troy Laws at ODFW and funding from the Wild Salmon Center, an instream wood placement project was planned for West Fork Coal Creek to both protect vulnerable infrastructure and to improve habitat conditions for the 5 species of salmonids that utilize West Fork Coal Creek. The structures were installed in the summer of 2020.
The documentary is a series of interviews with ED Zac Mallon and with landowners during and immediately after project implementation. It takes the viewer through the experience of having a wood placement on their property including discussions of habitat and infrastructure benefit, connections to natural processes like landslide and windstorms, and the honest experiences of the landowners during and immediately after the project was implemented. This is a great documentary for anyone hoping to learn more about salmon habitat or about the experience of having a wood placement on their own property.
Both the Annual Meeting and the presentation will be hosted on Zoom and are free to the public. The zoom link is or on the Faceboook event at You can also contact the watershed council at
Event Information: This event is FREE and open to the public. Find more information on our speaker series and the links for access on our Facebook page
Time & Agenda:
5:00 PM Board Elections
5:30 PM Annual Report
6:00 PM Documentary Screening
6:15 PM Project Updates
6:30 PM Discussion / Q&A
7:30 PM Adjourn