On Saturday, October 19 at 12:00 noon, North Coast Communities for Watershed Protection will hold a community meeting at the Parish Hall of St. Mary by the Sea (275 S. Pacific St.; Rockaway Beach, OR 97136).
Please join NCCWP to discuss strategies for protecting our drinking water, including plans to initiate a statewide ballot measure to end all clearcutting, slash burning and pesticide spraying in drinking watersheds. If you are interested in helping and/or have experience in ballot measures, please come to our meeting! Pizza and snacks will be available.
We will also be giving updates about the Appeal of the Nedonna Wave Planned Unit Development and the acquisition of the Jetty Creek Watershed Acquisition. In addition, instructional materials and supplies will be available for those interested in participating in our letter-writing campaign to Rockaway Beach city officials regarding the Appeal of the Nedonna Wave PUD.
Everyone who drinks the water from Jetty Creek, as well as everyone else concerned about protecting watersheds that provide their drinking water, is invited and encouraged to attend. Everyone has a right to abundant clean and safe drinking water. This is a basic human right.
This will be an “in-person”meeting.
All are welcome. Hope to see you there!

NCCWP wants no more logging and pesticide use in community water sources across all land ownership, and wants an end to pesticide applications near where people live, work and recreate. Safe drinking water and clean air are part of the public trust that we all are entitled to have. Please help North Coast Communities for Watershed Protection safeguard and restore our drinking watersheds. healthywatershed.org | www.facebook.com/NCCWATERSHEDPROTECTION
Contact information: rockawaycitizen.water@gmail.com