The parking woes will continue at the North County Recreation District as all the parking lots are paved, get striping and improvements. The north parking lot on B Street will be CLOSED on Tuesday March 25th for preparations for striping. Please obey “No Parking” signage/cones, be considerate of neighbors, and do not block driveways or the road way.
Then on April 7th and 8th, weather depending, ALL the parking areas at NCRD will be closed for paving and striping. NCRD will make additional announcements as we get closer to these dates to confirm and include suggestions for parking.
Please be mindful that the NCRD campus is an active construction zone. Use care and caution as you walk between the buildings and facilities. “We understand how difficult it can be for some of our patrons with mobility challenges,” said executive director Barbara McCann. “If you need help to enter the building, please contact our Welcome Center at 855-444-6273, and we will help you to negotiate the closures.”
Thank you to the neighbors and patrons for their patience as we move toward completion of the Aquatics Center.