Community, Friends and Neighbors
First, I love having people voice their concerns, I seek and demand transparency and let’s get answers. It’s been voiced there is mischief around the bond measure. Specifically, why are we hearing this now and the operating budget for the new pool, so I did some research.
This conversation has been on NCRD’s Board meeting agenda nine (9)times since June 2019. Everyone is welcome to attend Board meetings and be in the conversation to voice concerns and opinions.
The operating budget for the current pool is $427,128
Over the last 3 years unexpected repairs and upgrades have been approximately $50,000
If it were done today the estimated operating budget for the new pool would be $446,293
There would be no upgrade costs and repairs would be under warranty.
I encourage you to request a visit to the pool, see for yourself what we currently have, then view the drawings for what will be, if we say yes. What gets me excited and creates a future I’m thrilled about? Visualize, our new facility as light, bright and welcoming, easily accessible to all. Consider NCRD will be able to go after Tourist dollars to bring visitors in to enjoy and support the pool. The Legacy, beginning 90 years ago, will continue. More important, our children and our children’s children will continue to learn to swim, protecting them from the leading cause of death, drowning.
This is an affordable answer to what’s needed and wanted. Personally this bond measure will raise my taxes, on our $207,000 (6/2020 assessed valued) home, less than $27 a year, $27/YEAR! Please, look for yourself for what your tax liability will be.
It’s past time to do this, please join me in passing this bond measure with your ‘yes’ vote. Let’s break ground and build our new pool in 2021!
Thank you.
Constance Shimek, Nehalem, OR