When a kindergartener was asked how he felt after his first week of school, he said “Tired.” We can all relate, back-to-school time is always busy for families, and often challenges come up with schedules, new behaviors and issues. We can all use some parenting help, and that’s where Nurturing Parenting classes come in. This 12-week series of classes held each Tuesday, starting September 17th, provide tools for anyone taking on a parenting role, such as grandparents, other relatives or siblings. Parenting can be on of the most difficult jobs, and it is also one of our most important roles. Through the Nurturing Parenting class, participants learn about child development, positive discipline, parent-child family roles, empathy towards needs and more in a supportive environment.
The classes are held each Tuesday, starting September 17th through December 10th at the Tillamook YMCA from 5 to 7:30 pm. The cost is $35.00 per adult and includes materials and a light dinner. Children are welcome and childcare is available. REGISTER NOW by emailing to melissacs@tfcc.org or call 503-842-8201 ext. 276.