Do you love to shop for fabric? The thrill of finding that perfect pattern? Everything quilts?
This October is Tillamook County Quilt Month. Every weekend in October, something quilting/textile related will be happening on the Tillamook Coast.
It all got started on September 28, several downtown Tillamook businesses are showcasing quilts as a part of the monthly ArtWalk which will be renamed QuiltWalk for the month of October. Walk the downtown blocks, visit some new businesses, and get a chance to see the quilting talent of the Dairylands. Quilts will be on display through the month of October. Participating businesses include: Recurrent,
October 5 was the official kick off for Quilt Month event at the 2nd Street Plaza in Tillamook. There will be yarn bombing, information on geocaching on the Quilt Trail, quilt blocks, patchwork pottery, quilt block themed snacks, and more!
If you’re looking to purchase completed quilts, the Tuesday Stitchers & South County Quilters will host their Quilt Explosion Sale on Oct. 19 at the Kiawanda Community Center from 9 am to 5 pm. Cuddle quilts, quilts for your bed, quilts for the kids, quilts for your table, quilts for the holidays will all be available for purchase.
To wrap up the monthly celebration, Visit Tillamook Coast and Tillamook County Quilt Guild will host a three-day quilt show “Tidal Treasures – Heart & Soul” showcasing the incredible talent of our area’s local quilters. Visit the Red Barn Farm Experience Building at the Tillamook Creamery Oct. 25-26; 10 am-6 pm; and 10 am – 4 pm.
As part of October Quilt Month, the Tillamook County Pioneer Museum will feature “Soft and Hard: Historic Quilts and Lorenzo Ghiglieri Bronzes,” a display of their historic quilts – set off with bronzes by the renown Portland sculptor Lorenzo Ghiglieri from the collection of Mrs. Art Riedel – from October 3 through November 17. Find them at 2106 Second Street in downtown Tillamook. Open from 10 to 4, Tuesdays through Sundays.
And in conjunction with Tillamook County Quilt Month, 101 Quilt Run, that stretches from Astoria to Port Orford will also be going on. Be sure to visit Tillamook County’s three fabric shops: Swift Stitches in Garibaldi,; Jane’s Fabric Patch in Tillamook,; and BJ’s Fabric & Quilts in Cloverdale, Special events and sales ongoing.
And of course, Latimer Quilt & Textile Center at 2105 Wilson River Loop Road, Tillamook(503) 842-8622
Throughout October – Quilts on display at businesses throughout Tillamook
October 19 – Quilt Explosion
Kiawanda Community Center, 34600 Cape Kiawanda Dr, Pacific City
9 am – 5 pm
October 25 – 27 – Tidal Treasures Show
Tillamook Creamery Red Barn Farm Experience Building 165 N Hwy 101, Tillamook
9 am – 6 pm; 10 am – 4 pm