Old House Dahlias will be opening for the season beginning Saturday,August 24 th from 10 am to 5 pm. The dahlias are beginning to bloom with more blooming, as the season continues. The farm will be open every weekend until the end of October or a frost. You will be able to walk the dahlia fields and enjoy the many colors and species. You can place an order for next year’s tubers or purchase cut flowers from the flower cooler. If you are in the neighborhood during the week, you can help yourself to cut flowers from the flower cooler. This year’s prices are $1.50 per stem or 10 stems for $12.00. Dinner plate dahlias are $5.00 per stem.
The dates for this year’s Dahlia Festival will be Saturday, August 31 st and Sunday September 1 st 10 am to 5 pm. Also, Saturday September 7 th and Sunday September 8 th 10 am to 5 pm.
There are a couple of new additions to the farm this year. The old farm house has been renovated and has a fresh coat of paint. Helen Hill, who painted the mural on one of the out buildings has painted us a new sign.
Our address is 11600 South Hwy. 101, south of Tillamook. See our website at www.oldhousedahlias.com