By Chuck McLaughlin
Complicity in genocide is now the modus operandi of the Biden Administration, both houses of Congress and at least three of the announced candidates for the presidency: Biden, Trump and RFK, Jr. Concerning Israel, Genocide Joe provides useless verbiage yet deadly weaponry, all the while doing photo-ops licking ice cream cones and otherwise displaying little regard for Palestinians starving or are by other horrific means systematically murdered daily in Gaza by the psychopathic Netanyahu.
Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer scolds but offers nothing substantive to control or punish Israel and Republican House Speaker Mike Johnson invites the arguably insane Netanyahu to speak to the full Congress, thereby providing “Bibi” with a national stage from which he can spew shame and disappointment on the very hand that feeds him and, of course, utilize the overplayed anti-Semitic and holocaust cards.
Michigan Senator Tim Walberg, a pastor and so-called “Man of God,” calls for nuking Gaza!
And what say the women who were seen to be by feminists the answer to the male impulsiveness and aggressive nature? Kamela Harris, Nancy Pelosi, Hillary Clinton, Marilyn Albright, Victoria Noonan, Somantha Powers, Nicki Haley and Condaleeza Rice. War-mongers all and all in the Israeli camp.
There you have it! Such nonfeasance and malfeasance begs the question whether our country has lost whatever moral compass it possessed and has now fully committed itself to the dark side?
Further evidence to support such a notion is found when considering the fact that well-known and popular lesser lights yet wielding some political and social influence, such as Tulsi Gabbard and Jessie Ventura, whose names were floated as possible VP candidates on the Israel sycophant RFK, Jr. ticket! (Bobby, Jr. must have been taught Israel history by a whacked-out history 101 dropout toking up on a Mary Jane bomber*!)
Admittedly, Tulsi has it all…beauty, brains, articulate, can debate (as she proved when she nailed hapless Kamela Harris to the wall) but bounces hither and thither on major issues and has bounced recently into the hard-core Zionist camp. As to Jessie, et tu, Jessie? Never would have thought of you taking a knee to those madmen!
Unfortunately, a sizable percentage of our population seem to believe the Israeli/Palestinian war began on October 7, 2023 or choose to ignore the fact Israel has been stealing Palestinian land, attacking, maiming and killing them for over 70 years! It is time for justice for Palestinians. The State of Israel claims it has a right to exist. The Palestinian PEOPLE have the right to exist. Israel is denying them that right.
As Max Blumenthal eloquently put it, “This is the moral issue of our times. This is the Holocaust of our times. This is the Trail of Tears of our times.” History will record how our nation dealt with it.
* In 1940’s parlance, a double wrapped marijuana joint.
Post Script: As I was writing this article, Israel assassinated, murdered 7 international aide workers in Gaza, including an American! These non-Palestinians were authorized by Israel to be there but deliberately targeted while driving cars with logos on top and sides. When Biden was confronted about the murder by Israel, he said there would be no change in our policy toward Israel! America’s president is displaying an “insolence of office” that has brought dishonor to our Nation and division among the electorate.